
Online Registration is Now Open!

Please use the following link to register.


Registration may only be paid in $US with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card.
All Oral or Poster Presenters: In order to present, the presenting author must complete the registration process by paying online by August 22 to confirm intent to attend and present at the meeting.
COVID-19 Regulation: All attendees will follow the Events and Gathering guideline of University of California, Riverside:

Cancellation Policy

A full refund will be issued if the event is cancelled by UCR.  A partial refund will be issued if the event shifts from in-person to a virtual/on-line format.

If you are registered and are unable to attend, a full refund may be requested if the cancellation request is received before 11:59 pm PST on August 22, 2022, a cancellation fee of 10% applies. The remaining amount of the registration fee will be refunded.

Cancellations received after August, 22nd 2022 (11:59 pm PDT) or no-shows will receive no refund of the registration fee.

To request a refund, please contact Deborah Terao ( and provide the following details: name, event, reason for refund, and a valid receipt of payment.  Refunds can take up to 7-10 business days to process.