Online Abstract Submission (Submission Deadline: Aug 1st)

Please use the following link to submit your abstract.

Note: If you want to cancel or withdraw your abstract, please contact Prof. Wenwan Zhong ( or Ziting Gao (

Abstract Submission Information

Researchers are encouraged to submit an abstract of up to 300 words for oral or poster presentation consideration. During abstract submission, the author will be asked to choose the most appropriate keywords for their work in three topic categories: Analytes; Applications; and Instrumentation. The keywords are compiled to ensure the broadest possible coverage of the research activities in related areas:

Analytes – Proteins, viruses, cells, nucleic acids, antibodies, protein aggregation, polysaccharides, lipid nanoparticles,  micelles, liposomes, extracellular vesicles, biohybrids, composite particles, polymer colloids, emulsions, nanomaterials, nanoplastics, microplastics, polymers, natural polymers, hydrocolloids, polymersomes, electronic material

Applications – Drug delivery, vaccine, pharmaceutics, food, agriculture, environmental science, regulatory, standardization, cosmetics, home personal care, coatings, adhesives, properties and transformation

Instrumentation – Separation instrument development, hyphenation, theory, software development, modeling and simulation

Once the abstract is submitted online, an email confirmation will be sent to the authors to confirm that the abstract has been successfully received. Completion of the abstract process means the author(s) agree that the abstract can be communicated among the SPC, and once it is accepted by the meeting, it will be published on the meeting website and the scientific program book.

Based on the keywords selected, the SPC will determine whether the work is relevant to the meeting content, and then assign the presentation to the suitable session for each submitted abstract. A decision of acceptance or rejection will be made within three weeks after the closing date of abstract submission. If the abstract is accepted, the presenting author should confirm their attendance by registering for the meeting. Only the authors who complete the registration process before the registration deadline will secure presentation slots in the final meeting program and be allowed to present.